Health & Safety
Policy Statement:
Clentec recognizes and accepts its responsibility to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and healthy working conditions for its employees, those of its subcontractors and any other third party service providers. In addition to compliance with statutory obligations, we will seek, proactively, to prevent ill health, injury, damage and loss arising from our operations and activities.
Our ethos is “proactivity rather than reactivity” – avoidance of accidents rather than corrective measures – risk mitigation rather than loss containment.
Our recognition and acceptance of these responsibilities will be demonstrated by our commitment to:
- Provide and maintain plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health;
- Undertake risk assessment of all appropriate activities, and to specify and implement resultant control measures in order to eliminate or control risk;
- Take all reasonably practical steps to avoid injury or damage to property which might occur as a result of our operations and activities;
- Provide sufficient supervision, information, instruction and training to ensure the health and safety of our employees, and those of our subcontractors, our clients and anyone that can be affected by our operations or activities;
- Clearly assign responsibility to appropriate personnel, to monitor compliance to this policy and associated procedures and take action in default of such compliance;
- Regularly review our health and safety performance, implementing any corrective action in respect of underperformance;
- Ensure suitable arrangements for the handling, storage and transportation of substances safely are present and implemented;
- Display this policy statement at each facility or project we undertake;
- Provide the necessary and adequate resources, both financial and human, to ensure the full implementation of this policy;
- Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
Clentec encourages employees to cooperate in its health and safety aims and seeks to promote teamwork and partnership so that the aims of this policy will be met. We therefore require that all employees take all reasonable care to ensure their own health and safety and that of others whilst at work.
Scope: the health and safety policy at Clentec endeavors to create an environment which offers the minimum risk possible to the health and safety of all those that work in its confines.
It is understood that all work activities present hazards of variable nature. These hazards cannot be completely avoided, although it is to be ensured that, as much as possible the risks that the hazard present, are reduced. The scope of this policy is that a continuous programme of risk mitigation is put into place.
Method: risks can be reduced by means of:
a) a continuous assessment of the materials, procedures, machinery and work practices involved
b) in house regulations that are enforced and strictly adhered to
c) a continuous awareness and training programme for employees and management in health and safety issues
d) adequate documentation to offer a complete profile of the health and safety aspect of the company
e) procurement of the right equipment to ensure that the safety of the employees is guaranteed, together with the training in the right care, use and maintenance of such equipment
Major Tenets:
a) a safety policy is not just a document but must be ingrained in the work ethos of the company
b) a safety policy will lay down the objectives of the company, which objectives are to be explained to all and sundry, to make them work
c) management will take all steps necessary to ensure that the health and safety function is run on a professional and continual basis
d) strict adherence to local and EU legislation is expected
e) all employees are expected to give their share in making this policy work
The major points of action of this policy are:
1. Those operations that present appreciable risks must be examined in detail and, where necessary, standard operating procedures (SOPs) are set out to reduce the dependence of these operations on individuals and thus decrease risk presented by operators themselves or their work practices
2. A training program is set into place to continuously update employees and management on the latest issues and developments on health and safety
3. Induction courses in health and safety should accompany the induction of employees in their technical practice
4. A risk assessment is carried out periodically, and were necessary, which will identify those areas that require improvement
5. The concept of hazard control and preventive maintenance should be implemented to pre-empt issues and thus reduce damage to personnel and property, as well as production disruption
6. A comprehensive fire protection and evacuation procedure is put into place and regularly maintained
7. Adequate documentation and reporting is to be put into place including:
i. A safety manual
ii. Updated MSDS File
iii. An evacuation plan
iv. An accident log book (including near misses)
v. A database of legislation
8. Promotion of Health and safety issues are to be made part of the work environment
9. Third party contractors , supplier and clients are to be kept abreast of the health and
safety policy to give it a more holistic approach
Statement: the place of work is meant to be a location where employees earn a good return for their efforts, where they feel fulfilled in their career and which furthers their intellectual and technical abilities It must not be a source of unnecessary and avoidable hazards, and must present the lowest risk factor possible, for employees in the fulfillment of their duties.
It is management’s duty to ensure such low risk level and it is the employees’ duty to operate diligently to ensure as accident-free an environment as possible.
Beyond the establishment of regulations by management and the compliance by employees, the major factor that ensures the success of this policy is a genuine desire by all parts to make health and safety part of Clentec work culture